Responsible Business Report 2019


Scotish Energy Forum
Our Approach

Our responsible business approach is integral to everything we do, and effective governance is central to achieving our objectives here as in all other elements of our vision of becoming a world-class service company. Our strong governance policies and practices, under the umbrella of our Code of Conduct, underpin the achievements outlined in other parts of this Report. Whether winning awards for rigour in health and safety, for diversity and inclusion, for setting standards for our supply chain or for our market-leading attractiveness as an employer of choice. It is also recognised in our strong scores in leading indices such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI).

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Governance Model

Rentokil Initial’s governance model identifies the roles of the Board, functions (determining best practice and governance) and country and regional teams (delivery within the framework of policies and local laws). The Company’s risk management process includes consideration of material ESG issues, with appropriate detailed management by dedicated functions (for example technical and safety teams), together with monitoring against group standards and policies on a periodic basis by Internal Audit.

An update on Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) performance is provided to the Board at each meeting, with a specific environmental review at least annually. The award-winning SHE team’s remit includes developing Health and Safety standards with appropriate colleague training, reviewing performance and initiating remedial activity in under-performing parts of any business.

The Company does not permit political lobbying on its behalf by colleagues, although responding to new regulations through trade associations is acceptable. The Company has membership of trade associations around the world but does not employ any public affairs consultancy as a means of influencing political decision making.

Policy Framework

Rentokil Initial has a robust policy framework for each of the Responsible Business areas.

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Adhering to the Policies

Adherence to these policies is monitored through a number of methods, including tracking completion of mandatory training modules (including the Code of Conduct) on our U+ platform, through monitoring of key targets and KPIs through the Company’s Internal Audit team.

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Our Stakeholders

We engage with stakeholders regularly in different ways to gather their opinions and inform our decision making. This includes contact during business activities, face-to-face meetings and engagement on specific issues such as regulation.


The Company considers the materiality of its Responsible Business impacts and the importance of each impact to the business as a whole. This process includes analysing questions posed by major customers in contract tendering processes; reviewing colleagues’ responses to corporate responsibility related questions in Your Voice Counts; and reviewing questions received from socially responsible investment third parties.

Our materiality matrix was reviewed in 2019 in light of the divestment of major workwear facilities in European countries (excluding France), and the increasing digitalisation of the business operations. The revised chart showing priorities of greatest potential importance to stakeholders is shown below:

Responsible Approach to M&A

The Company takes a rigorous approach to the governance of its acquisitions (M&A) strategy including detailed requirements and processes for all its acquisitions. In 2019, the Company acquired 41 businesses.

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Performance and Remuneration

Across the Company, many colleagues have personal development goals in areas such as training, retention, safety, sustainable product launches and supply chain management, in addition to operational or other business performance objectives. However in 2019 for the first time, the Remuneration Committee added the following three responsible business elements to the range of strategic measures over the three-year performance period for the Company’s Performance Share Plan award:

  • Employee Retention – based on our average sales and service colleague retention
  • Customer Satisfaction – based on our average Customer Voice Counts (a Net Promoter Score metric)
  • Environment improvements – based on the average reduction in our CO2 emissions index

Operational Targets

During 2019, we have made significant progress in our key sustainability priority areas – in particular: Safety, People and diversity, Service and innovation, Environment, Digital and Communities.

2019 Targets Progress in 2019 Targets for 2020
8% reduction in Lost Time Accident rate and an 11% reduction in Working Days Lost rate compared with 2018. We delivered our safest year with Lost Time Accidents down by 16% and a 26% reduction in Working Days Lost rate. Deliver improvements in LTA and WDL of at least 5%.
More than one million courses undertaken; videos and content views on U+ in 2019 and launch a new programme to enhance diversity. We will undertake a major confidential survey of all colleagues to assess engagement and enablement. We will undertake a development programme to enhance line manager capability. c.1.8 million courses were undertaken on our digital learning platform, U+. c.800 new pieces of content were produced. The all-colleague survey was undertaken with a record 90% response rate and we continued to develop our managers.Our line manager training has been an important driver in colleague retention. To date, over 600 line managers have been targeted to undertake the programme from 37 countries Deliver over 1.5 million views of digital training content. Create over 500 new piece of training content. Continue to foster a diverse and inclusive culture.
Deliver a State of Service above 95%. Continue to measure Net Promoter Scores across the business and maintain a strong pipeline of innovations. We will build our expertise in vector control. At 97%, state of service remains above our 95% target; NPS improved by 2.4 points and we continued to roll out our pipeline of innovations. Strong progress in digital pest control with over 9 million digital records on our pest control command centre every day. Deliver a State of Service above 95%. Deliver over 100,000 Net Promoter Scores calls to customers to measure customer satisfaction and maintain a strong pipeline of innovations. Launch digital Hygiene services. Build Vector Control capability and scale.
In the Environment, by the end of 2020, a reduction of 20% in the intensity rate of emissions, compared with the 2016 baseline. Protect rainforest as part of our carbon mitigation plans in line with prior year (c.850 acres each year). We exceeded our environment target (20.4% at the end of 2019) one year in advance and protected c.850 acres of rainforest through our continued work with Cool Earth to protect vital rainforest. Launch our programme of 7 environment work streams and develop new carbon targets to take the business towards net zero. Protect c.850 acres of rainforest with Cool Earth.
£235,000 cumulative donations to Malaria No More UK (MNM) by the end of 2019 and 2,500 adults and children taught in 2019 through Better Futures. New Community investment fund. £237,000 had been raised for MNM by the end of 2019. 7,540 people were taught through Better Futures in 2019. The RI Cares fund was launched. Establish RI Cares ambassadors in every Region. Take the cumulative total number of adults and children supported by Better Futures to over 29,000.

Our Responsible Business


Find out more about our seven environmental work streams, our 2019 performance and ambitions.

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Find out more about our workplace and diversity programmes, our 2019 performance and future ambitions.

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Find out more about our business performance indicators over the last five years.

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